Who am I ?

I have been a clinical psychologist for some years. I can provide counselling and psychotherapy for people in mental pain. Throughout the years I have worked with people suffering due to personal issues, as well as work related issues. I have also offered psychotherapy to disabled people ( physically, mentally,sensory and psychically). I have also dealt with migrants in political and economic difficulties.

I am also aware that institutional issues can have an negative impact on the mental health of an individual.

It seems essential to me to adapt the psychotherapy to the needs of the patients. Both in the pacing of the sessions and their pricing. My main concern is focusing on what my patients say, Therefore helping them with their personal suffering and desires.
I am bilingual in English and French as such I can provide sessions in both languages.

Lastly, I have been in therapy for many years. This has given me a personal and emotional insight as to the way of practicing my profession. This has added to my theoretical and intellectual knowledge provided by my university training.


– Training in identifing and providing help to vulnerable health care professional, SPS
( in French: Formation Repérage et prise en charge des soignants rendus vulnérables, SPS)
– University degree in institutionnal psychotherapy, University Paris 7
– Master degree in clinical psychology specialized in psychoanalytical psychopathology, University Paris 7
– Master degree in psychology, University Paris 7
– Bachelor degree in psychology, University Paris 7

Work experience

– Psychologist in a ESAT (Specialzed Workplace for the mentally and psychically Disabled)
– Psychologist and counsellor in a liberal pratice
– Psychologist and counsellor for a EAP (Employee Assistance Programme) both nationally and internationally
– Psychologist and counsellor for a CPMS (Psychological, Medical and Social center
– Intern psychologist in a FAM (Medical Home for the elderly with disabilities)
– Intern psychologist in a ESAT
– Intern psychologist in a institution for hearing disabilities
– Intern psychologist in a CMP (Medical and Psychological Center)