Grief The death of a relative is always a painful experience. At times the pain can feel insurmountable, the sadness and emptiness remain for months, even years. Some people reject the reflections needed to process the passing of a loved one, by doing so they risk experiencing a deeper pain, […]
Moral Harassment The french penal code defines moral harassment as follows: "[...] Repeated comments or behaviors that aim or cause a deterioration of the working conditions and that might impair one's personal rights and dignity, and impact one's physical or mental health or compromise a professional future[...]"[1]. This situation has […]
Innate disability When someone is born with a disability, there is an fundamental difference between themselves and others. This difference may cause mental suffering i.e. : They can feel isolated, misunderstood, inadequate, angry, frustrated, or anguished by how others perceive their disability... These elements can be detrimental to their daily […]